Eviction Notices (February - December 2023)

Summary and Analysis

[January 2024 Update] We analyzed updated data from the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) through the month of December 2023.

The data reveals that from February to December, LAHD received a total of 77,049 eviction notices. 5,652 notices were filed for the month of December.

  • 77,049 eviction notices were filed
  • 96% of eviction notices were for “non-payment of rent”
  • 91% came with a 3-day notice
  • $3,774 is the average amount of rent owed

Number of Eviction Notices

Council District

Top 20 Zip Codes with Highest Number of Eviction Notices

Zip CodeCommunities# of Eviction Notices

The table above shows the top 20 Zip Codes with the highest number of eviction notices filed with the City from February to December 2023.

Units located within 90028 (Hollywood area) had the highest number of eviction notices filed with 5,156 followed by 90036 (Fairfax area) with 3,840.

Fair Market Rent

The Just Cause Ordinance (JCO) c contains a provision where a landlord can evict a tenant only if the amount due exceeds one month of fair market rent for the Los Angeles metro area.

12,200 eviction notices were filed where the amount of rent owed is below the Fair Market Rent (FMR) Limit.

Number of Eviction Notices - Rent Owed
Under the Fair Market Rent Limit
Bedroom SizeFMR# of Notices

Notice Types

When served with an eviction, tenants are given a deadline to either pay rent owed or move out ("pay or quit") or to fix an issue or move out ("perform or quit"). Other notices will only give a deadline to move out (such as 30-day notices).

Number of Eviction Notices
by Notice Type
Notice Type# of Eviction NoticesPct.

Tenant Protection Deadlines

  • • Effective February 1, 2024:
    • ◦ Rent owed from October 1, 2021 to January 31, 2023 is due. If a tenant returned the Declaration of COVID-19-Related Financial Distress form to the landlord within 15 days of rent being due AND paid 25% of rent owed from this period, they cannot be evicted for nonpayment of rent.

      However, since March 27, 2023 landlords may not evict a tenant who falls behind in rent unless the tenant owes an amount higher than the Fair Market Rent (FMR). The FMR depends on the bedroom size of the rental unit.

    • ◦ As amended by City Council, annual rent increases will resume for rental units subject to the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) with the allowable rent increase at 4% starting February 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. If the tenant is provided with electric service and/or gas by the landlord, rent can be increased an additional 1-2% with a total increase of 5% or 6%.

      State law requires that the landlord must provide an advance 30-day written notice for all rent increases of less than 10%.

    • ◦ Eviction protections will continue for tenants with unauthorized pets obtained during the COVID-19 emergency. Tenants who have not yet told their landlord about the pet will have 30 days after the ordinance goes into effect to do so. This protection does not apply to unauthorized pets that began residing in the rental unit after 1/31/2024.
  • • If an eviction notice is not provided to LAHD, a tenant may raise an affirmative defense in an Unlawful Detainer case.

For future updates on eviction notices, please visit LAHD’s https://housing2.lacity.org/residents/renters/eviction-notices-filed.