Since going into effect in 1978, the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) has provided extensive protections to renters in the City of Los Angeles that in units covered by this ordinance. Protections range from limiting the percentage rent can be increased to eviction protections.
Every year, the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) updates the inventory of RSO units in the City of Los Angeles. Using updated data, we analyzed the most current inventory of RSO units (2024) and also compared it with the previous 5 years (2019-2023). The data from LAHD can be accessed on the Department’s Report Dashboard for RSO (
The data reveals that as of 2024, there are 661,851 RSO units. From 2019 to 2024, there was a net increase of 18,345 RSO units (a loss of 15,754 units but a gain of 34,099 units)
RSO Units by Year
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Number of RSO Units by Council District (2024)
Council District 13 has the highest number of RSO units with 78,958, followed by Council District 10 with 78,370 RSO units.
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90019 (Mid-Wilshire area) has the highest number of RSO units (18,789), followed by 90026 (Echo Park) with 17,830.
# | Zip Code | Communities | Number |
Land Use Codes, or Property Use Classifications, are assigned by the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office to describe the actual current use of a property and are in the form of four character codes that are made up of either letters, numbers, or a combination of both. More information can be found on the LA County Assessor’s Portal ( using either an address or the Assessor Parcel Number (APN) in LAHD’s data.
In 2024, the highest number of RSO units were located on properties that contained five or more units but were four stories or less (0500) , with 297,713 units. Properties that contained two units made up of four less stories (0200), which includes duplexes, had the second highest number of RSO units at 97,641.
Land Use Code | Description | # of RSO Units |
Unit Range is based on the number of RSO units located within a particular property.
In 2024, 195,926 RSO units were located in properties that contained 11-49 units followed by 127,240 RSO units in properties that contained 5-10 units.
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Most Council Districts saw net increases in the number of RSO units over the past 6 years. Council District 12 saw the highest increase with 2,877 units followed by Council District 2 with 2,859.
Of the three Council Districts with net losses in RSO units, Council District 14 saw the most with a net loss of 868 RSO units followed by Council District 15 with a net loss of 490 units.
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The tables below show the ten ZIP codes with the highest net increases in RSO Units and the ten ZIP codes with the highest net decreases in RSO Units.
The Zip code with the highest net increase is 91331 (Pacoima) with 1,113 units followed by 91335 (Reseda) with 1,110 units.
The highest net decrease in RSO units occurred in 90014 (Downtown LA, Jewelry District) with a net loss of 858 units, followed by 90732 (San Pedro) with a net loss of 775 units.
Zip Code | Communities | Net Change (Units) |
Zip Code | Communities | Net Change (Units) |
The property type with the highest net increase in units overall are properties with two units (0200) with a net increase of 18,146. Properties with five units that are four stories or less in height (0500) had the second highest net increase with 5,377 additional RSO units.
Property types with the highest number of net losses include properties that had five units with a pool (0501) having a net decrease of 3,396. This is followed by RSO units located in a mobile home park with a pool (0901) having a net decrease of 1,421 RSO units.
Land Use Code | Description | # Net Change |
Land Use Code | Description | # Net Loss |